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Cashout Your Lease Options

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I have some new programs that would be great to cashout your Sellers and get your T/Bs into their new homes. These are privately financed, and this system can also be used to aquire properties.


95% LTV w/ 5% down on 650 mid score fico

2 bank statements or paystubs


Gift funds ok


80% LTV w/ 10% down and 10% Seller second on 550 Fico

2 bank statements or paystubs


Gift funds ok


Closing in 7-10 days on average, can be as quick as 3 days, incases of forclusres can arrange for financing in advance.


Michael Pine

FSBOMortgages/Long Island Property Solutions, LLC

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I am a Real Estate Investors that buys "subject to" and then lease options.

I currently have 60+ houses that have lease option buyers in them. I need to find a company or any information that may be helpful to repair credit. I have $1,200,000+ in equity sitting there with the only thing keeping me from getting it the credit score of these lease option buyers.

I would like to get a good referral for a company that does credit repair or a credit repair course.



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