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waddya think about this ad

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Hi all; Could you all please give me your feed back on this advert. It's going in local suburban newspapers


" Make $500 for referring a home owner who sells by Rent To Own. PH xxxx xxx xxx"


I want your feed back as I may well run this ad indefeinately and I need to get it right.


with this ad I'm trying to:

1 get home sellers to come to me.

2 generate enquiries from TBs and develop my buyers list.

3 market my business.


My confidence level and knowledge restricts me to CAs at the moment. Have yet to get my first deal. SLO's will come later.


thank you all

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I think it's something that belongs on a flier on the table of an investor club. When I first started I put an ad just like that in the papers. The only people who called were brokers and attorneys threatening me that I was working as an agent without a license. But that's in the states!


I do have an opinion about networking though. It's something you need to do in person. Go out there and find the people that are looking for deals and pitch the CA as a partnership tool and not just for referral fees. I would also consider showing them my system but only if they ask! For some damn reason not too many new investors go out and do it once they learn it from you. Beats me?



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Guest dianafontanez

Based on your goals:

1 get home sellers to come to me.

2 generate enquiries from TBs and develop my buyers list.

3 market my business.


Your ad will not pull sellers and/or Tb's. It looks like it will pull Birddogs.


If you want efective ads try these (i personally use them and they work wonders):


Seller ad:

Sell your home without paying commissions



Why rent when you can rent to own


You need to be specific, to the point and offer a benefit in your ads. If you have space you could place both ads within the ad, other wise you will need to run 2 differents ads.


To your success,


Diana Fontanez

Lease Purchase Specialist and Consultant

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If youre looking for bird dogs you should not advertise for them they will find you from your advertising to sellers..


as for your ad I too believe you need to be more direct..


I believe you should advertsing that you buy houses... I use the tag "I Buy Houses, Ugly Ones Too!" Tm and it works well.


If youre only wanting L/Os run an ad that reads... Dont let another "dead beat" tenant distroy your house again. Guaranteed results. 888-888-8888

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If youre looking for bird dogs you should not advertise for them they will find you from your advertising to sellers..


as for your ad I too believe you need to be more direct..


I believe you should advertsing that you buy houses... I use the tag "I Buy Houses, Ugly Ones Too!" Tm and it works well.


If youre only wanting L/Os run an ad that reads... Dont let another "dead beat" tenant distroy your house again. Guaranteed results. 888-888-8888



Thanks for your feed back people, I appreciate it.


I quite like the advert "I buy houses" which a number of posters seem to use but my problem is as I see it anyway, and some pelase correct me if I'm wrong, is that this is fine if you do sub 2 which I have been researching but there are a few problems with that technique here. I cant see how that advert would apply to CAs only which is my strategy, ie get good then expand which incidently; is Michael C's advice.


I reckon that one of yours is greeat Michael, thanks.

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