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So I wrote a letter to all 3 major credit bureaus requesting copies of my credit report to see where I stand credit wise B)

Which by the way I have not seen my credit report in over 15 yrs. And I've paid off all my debts 4 yrs ago and have been paying cash for everything for the past 7 yrs.


Today, I got replies from all the credit bureaus and they all tell me they can not find a thing on record with my identity... huh!!! B)

As if I don't exist B)

This scares the heck out of me. I called them and they say for me to start building a credit history... What?!!! Build credit? By getting into debt?


Have any of you experienced this situation before?



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Bev! Congratulations! for being debt free! That is fantastic! (you would make Dave Ramsey proud)

I think credit and credit scores are way way over rated. Cash is King! vs. a slave to the lender.


Anyway, I have not heard of the situation you have mentioned. Maybe it is a result of not using credit, but you would think something would show up.


You don't have to, but would you share how you got out of debt? The steps you took to get there? That is the road I'm working on. The next level of freedom.


Stevie B)

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Thanks Stevie.


I think credit and credit scores are way way over rated. Cash is King! vs. a slave to the lender.
I so Agree, but sadly, we are judged by those numbers in earthly laws.
You don't have to, but would you share how you got out of debt? The steps you took to get there?
It all boils down to discipline (you and the spouse). This is a very serious matter in my opinion, You and the spouse need to cooperate equally, otherwise it will never happen... In my case, I did it on my own as I was 100% in control of my finances.

I may not be a clean freak with my car or house, but when it comes to my finances, I'm a super freak. Don't get me wrong, I spend money like crazy and have my fun when I want, but the trick is, I'm in total control. No surprises, Ever! (discipline)


Money helps but is not the answer.. even the wealthiest people on earth are in debt up to their eyeballs.

Once determined that I wanted to pay off all my debts, I sat down and put all the numbers (Money I owed) on paper. I then on another paper created a list of the same creditors name but with $0.00 "paid in full" on all of them... I placed the "all my debts" paper next to my computer (to remind me of my purpose of being in my computer which motivated me 100% to keep going).

The other paper with the $0.00 amounts on them, I placed it on my bedroom's mirror so it can be the first thing I see every morning and remind me of my goal :-)

Since I was determined to do this, I started searching online one day and found a forum called Naked Investor.. I made a few CA's and my goal was reached.


Had I not disciplined myself nor put 100% effort into this or not visualized my success first, then nothing would had happened even if someone would had given me a million dollars.

I would probably still be in debt up to my eyeball today. But of course, I owe all my success to God.

There are also counseling services online for families needing help with their finance / budget control. (discipline)... I think I saw some the other day.


Good Luck Stevie!



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Bev! that is Awesome! Thank you for sharing, it is motivating. We always think of a J.O.B. as weighing us down, having to answer to the man, but a slave to debt is just as brutal and you have been able to get rid of both. True freedom congratulations to you. I also really like how the Naked Investor and using CAs helped you in reaching your goal. No debt required with L/Os. My wife and I are tight wades, but I want to kick it up a notch to be totally debt free. I wouldn’t worry about a score. I mean to go into debt to get more debt just doesn’t make since. That system has failed as we have seen. Keep the faith!

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