52 Budhollow Lane, Willingboro, NJ 08046 Selling Price: $95,000 Remodeling Costs (labor and material combined): $30,000 - strictly cosmetic ARV: $187,450 ARV is determined by this year's sales of 61 Maplewick Lane, Willingboro, NJ 08046 (DOM:29) of $185,000 and 52 Messenger Lane, Willingboro, NJ 08046 (DOM: 61) of $189,900. Please consult a trusted realtor and not Zillow or other online valuation services to accurately comp this property for the purpose of your own due diligence. In order to view the pictures of this property, visit http://nicsellshousesquick.shutterfly.com/ and proceed to view the second set of pictures. *** I can provide you with the written repair estimate for this house, if needed.