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About efete1

  • Rank
    Making Offers

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Columbus, OH
  • Interests
    real estate investing<br />all outdoor activities, especially hiking, skiing, camping, biking. <br />pencil drawing and reading<br />history <br />martial arts
  1. Erik I would be interested as well. Good idea. I apologize that I haven't had our Mastermind call in a while. Perhaps we should re-start it and use this marketing question as an entry/discussion point. Just a thought; I can send the call in info if anyone wants to set up a date/time/etc. Eric
  2. Hi guys! Well, this month went fast!! Hope everyone is having a good summer! Next call coming soon!! Let's go for the 26th (Tuesday), 2100 (9 PM). Let's do it!! Who's in?? Eric
  3. SO: ethical question: have a house I had as a LO. Owner was getting desparate to get filled so we found a tenant and just signed her up (she signed her lease and gave us deposit); the next day we find a tenant/buyer. Assuming he is good to go, do we take him and tell the tenant we have to cancel? The owner does want to sell the house (that was his intention) so I am going to discuss with him and have him decide as well. Thanks for any input! Have a good weekend all! Eric
  4. Conference Dial-in Number: (605) 475-4000 > > Host Access Code: 427522* > > Participant Access Code: 427522# > >
  5. in 10 minutes! Sorry just checked this post! see prior posts for call in info
  6. Hi all! Hope everyone had a good week and called or did something with Mom for Mother's day!! How about the 29th (Tuesday) of this month, at 2100, for our next call? Let's get some action going again! Thanks Eric
  7. Hey guys, I messaged a bunch of new investors; tomorrow is set, sorry Erik. Is Tuesday always better for you? Eric
  8. HI all! This next Monday is our next call! BE THERE!! Let's make it another good one! 9 PM EST. Let everyone you know aware of it so we can get as many people on there as possible! Thanks and talk soon! Eric
  9. It was not; sorry! Let's get it going again! Let's plan for the 16th of March 9 PM EST! Be there! Eric
  10. Hey all Let's do tomorrow night then!! Rally the troops everyone, let's try to get a good group on! Eric
  11. Everyone else? Vote? Monday or Tuesday?? Let's go guys!! Eric
  12. Hey gang; I haven't heard from anyone so let's re-circle the wagons next month. Let's get as many people on the call as possible! Vote now or forever hold your peace! March 5th or 6th, whichever the majority wants; let me know!! Eric
  13. Hey gang! Next Monday is good for me as well. 9 PM EST. Let's do it! Eric
  14. Hi all Not sure what happened either; I was on the call at 9 sharp and didn't hear anyone else chime in??!! Something must have been in error or perhaps I dialed the wrong # in my drunken stupor! Let's try it again everyone! That's never happened before so let's have a re-do! How's next week look for everyone? Monday at 9 PM EST? Talk soon Eric
  15. Hey all here it is: *Free Conference Call* Conference Dial-in Number: (605) 475-4000 Participant Access Code: 427522#
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