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Guest Tima

Need Some Assistance

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Guest Tima

I am a licensed mortgage broker and I don't personally do any real estate investing. I am looking for available properties to put some of my clients in who currently don't qualify for a 100% financing so if you have investment properties that you are willing to do creative financing with like lease options, or partial owner financing I would like to learn more about the available properties you have on hand.


I can certainly get credit reports, verification of rental history etcetera so that way you can make an informed decision. I help all my clients to improve their credit within approximately 4 to 9months so they can qualify for 100% financing to buy their home if they lease option a home.


I can also help you get great non-owner occupied or investment loans using option arms to make sure the mortgage payment is as low as possible so that way the savings trickles down to the T/B and you make more income from your investment property.


I am licensed in 42 states and do business in all 50 specifically right now I need

properties in CO, IL, and CA. I would also appreciate other properties in other states so I can have the resources available for any future clients who may be relocating down the line


So if you can provide creative financing solutions or you would simply like to increase your profit from you investment property by getting the lowest mortgage payment possible please email me at kingston111@netzero.net. Perhaps you can even point me in the right direction where I can locate additional properties.


Thanks for your help

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I am licensed in 42 states and do business in all 50 specifically right now I need properties in CO, IL, and CA. I would also appreciate other properties in other states so I can have the resources available for any future clients who may be relocating down the line

It might be helpful if you were more specific than just the states. What cities?

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I am a licensed mortgage broker and I don't personally do any real estate investing. I am looking for available properties to put some of my clients in who currently don't qualify for a 100% financing so if you have investment properties that you are willing to do creative financing with like lease options, or partial owner financing I would like to learn more about the available properties you have on hand.


I can certainly get credit reports, verification of rental history etcetera so that way you can make an informed decision. I help all my clients to improve their credit within approximately 4 to 9months so they can qualify for 100% financing to buy their home if they lease option a home.


I can also help you get great non-owner occupied or investment loans using option arms to make sure the mortgage payment is as low as possible so that way the savings trickles down to the T/B and you make more income from your investment property.


I am licensed in 42 states  and do business in all 50 specifically right now I need

properties in CO, IL, and CA.  I would also appreciate other properties in other states so I can have the resources available for any future clients who may be relocating down the line


So if you can provide creative financing solutions or you would simply like to increase your profit from you investment property by getting the lowest mortgage payment possible please email me at kingston111@netzero.net. Perhaps you can even point me in the right direction where I can locate additional properties.


Thanks for your help


Yep..what state, cities, type of properties, etc.





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I would like to help you in Ohio if you need it?


Michael Martin



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