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Mastermind group anyone?

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It was not; sorry!


Let's get it going again! Let's plan for the 16th of March 9 PM EST!


Be there!



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HI all!


This next Monday is our next call! BE THERE!! Let's make it another good one!




Let everyone you know aware of it so we can get as many people on there as possible!


Thanks and talk soon!



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HI all!


This next Monday is our next call! BE THERE!! Let's make it another good one!




Let everyone you know aware of it so we can get as many people on there as possible!


Thanks and talk soon!




How about Tuesday?

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Hey guys,


I messaged a bunch of new investors; tomorrow is set, sorry Erik. Is Tuesday always better for you?



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Hey guys,


I messaged a bunch of new investors; tomorrow is set, sorry Erik. Is Tuesday always better for you?




Hey Eric,


Yeah, Tuesday is pretty much the best for me. Please try to record if possible.




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I'm a turkey, I realized at around 10pm that yesterday was the conference call!

Sorry I missed it, I'll be listening to the mp3 of it today while I'm on the road. Here's the link:


(Right Click - Save Target As)


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Try now, it wasn't a hyperlink before so you would have had to of copied and pasted. Now it should be clickable!

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